Ever heard one of these before?

Myth 1: ..."I'm not an addict. I'm in control. I can stop anytime I want to."

Myth 2: "That would never happen to me, I don't have a problem with                sex / porn."

Myth 3: ......"I just need to change the way I think about sex / porn, my                     actions will follow."

Myth 4: ..........."Watching porn privately is not harming anyone."  

Hopefully none of these describe your present experience, but even if they do, how would you like to find a way to break free, forever?

Richard Rohr said:

“We do not think ourselves into new ways of living, we live ourselves into new ways of thinking.”

Maybe you have a friend or family member struggling with problematic sexual behavior and you’d like to do something to help?

The global internet porn industry is worth R42 496 500 000.00.

That’s quite a hefty price tag for something that steals and erodes so much worth from the lives of millions of individuals, destroying marriages, families and careers in the process.

If we add to this, the number of lives affected by other problematic sexual behaviours, the extent of the damage is staggering to say the least.

At Graceonline, we use proven processing techniques developed at the International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals (IITAP), by the international leader on sex addiction, Dr. Patrick Carnes.

No more broken promises to yourself, your loved ones or your employers, just real, practical steps leading to permanent, positive change.

Book your "STOP Sex ADDICTION, Porn OBSESSION and SHAME" intro session with me.

This powerful session will leave you with:

a) ......... A renewed sense of energy and hope to stop problematic sexual behaviour.

b) ......... A new awareness of what is causing many of the challenges in your problematic sexual behaviour, and easy to follow practical steps to deal with it.

c) ----> A next step action plan for moving your problematic sexual behavior into the next phase of recovery that will guarantee you deeper connection, guilt free love and renewed zest for life.

session at 50% discount!!

One of the things I enjoy most is when people walk out of the room saying, “Oh my gosh….this makes so much more sense than I ever possibly imagined.”

If you want to start this JOURNEY NOW, you have to CLICK HERE today.

Enter the CODE "50%discount" to redeem the LIMITED promotional coupon.

P.S. Availability is very limited so book your session NOW.. You have NOTHING to lose and EVERYTHING to gain!


Here's a few testimonials of what clients has experienced in my counseling rooms:

The counselling was a phenomenal breakthrough for me and my husband. It helped me to be better equipped to deal with my underlying feelings of anger, inadequacy and the list goes on and on... the violent outburst of nasty words, rage, tears. I found answers to the many complicated questions that made no sense to me.. seeing it from the addicts perspective made me realize their behavior was not aimed at me, its a sickness that needs help. It helped me to focus and realize my individuality and worth. With my husband, he has realized and accepted his addiction, the face to face sessions paved his way through this web with caution; the group sessions were tremendously helpful and when he got home I could see that he didn't feel like an alien anymore.. there is hope.. its a lifelong journey, but better to go through it with caring people than drown alone in your misery and un-accountability... and many unanswered questions... its time to break this vicious cycle, and we managed to to get halfway there... the journey is long.. but together it can be accomplished!

Grateful Wife

I got married in 2013 to the girl of my dreams. I was sure that the porn habit would now simply fall away since I'm now married. It didn't work out like that though - about 6 months into our marriage, I relapsed. The consequences were disastrous. It almost cost me my marriage. I agreed to seek professional help and came across Kennith. I'm happy to say that I have been clean for over 570 days and my marriage is in a better place than it has ever been. Thank you Kennith!


The sessions helped me to thoroughly understand the nature of my problem. I always feel motivated after therapy sessions and as a result I have increased motivation and courage to deal with the sexual addiction. I've on numerous occasions experienced a load lifted from my shoulders after sharing. My efficiency at work has increased significantly, since I started my recovery program. For the first time in many years, I can actually live with myself.


The sessions have really helped me in finding out who I am, that I have a purpose in life, that I am not alone in this battle, that I have worth, self-worth and that my addiction will not be the end of me.  I have found solace and hope in learning more about sexual addiction and how it affects the lives of those around me.  I am a new person equipped with the tools to help me be an overcomer in this world.  I am more confident, free from guilt and shame and on a new and everlasting journey to freedom.



I have found Kennith to be compassionate and non judgmental in the recent counselling sessions I received from him. Not given to glib or pat answers, a good listener and a man of prayer. I did benefit from his ministry.


I've tried a lot of things to overcome my addiction, but nothing has really helped. This program is the only thing that has given me the tools and support I need to bring about real change in my life. I always feel comfortable and safe to talk about the things that I struggle with and I always find the guidance and support that I need.


We work closely with you on your journey